Monday, January 9, 2012

WMRC 1/11/12

Let's do an easy trail run this Wednesday morning at 5:16am. Due to some heavy racing last weekend and this coming weekend we will be taking it easy, I promise, Blue.

Runner of the week goes to a few people worthy of this. First, Jay Danek busted a good time at Bandera 100k over the weekend in Texas throwing down a 10:30 for 16th place overall.

Nick Coury blew everyone away at the Castle Hot Springs 22 miler this weekend. Running a 2:40 that is equivalent to a full marathon. My quads are still sore from pounding all those downhills. Matt Schmidt and Nathan Coury also smoked that thing as well.

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend, see you out on the trails soon (Wed).


Honey said...

We may even have a guest appearance from the one and only Anthony Culpepper. Have your questions ready about his zillion mile hike over the last year.

azspeedgoat said...

Yes Honey, he was in last night and said he is coming. Are you gonna show up? I will run with you a little longer after if you want.

Honey said...

I'll be there Mark. We'll see if we feel like running longer after.