Come join the Group for a fun Run though the Superstition Wilderness this Sunday, January 2nd. We are starting from First Water Trail head off the Apache Trail just past the Lost Dutchman State Park entrance in Apache Junction at 7:00 AM. Should be a fun group running through the Wilderness Area on the 18.6 mile Dutchman Trail to the Peralta Trail head. We’ll have a water refill station and some food there and a ride back to the start line for those that want to call it a day at 18 miles (space is limited so let me know if you can.) The 50K’ers will head back up the Peralta Trail finishing the circle of Weaver’s Needle and back down Black Mesa to the start/finish. Amazing views, cool temps, and some of the best single track trail running outside of the Canyon. Should be chilly? Bring a long sleeve. Gaiters recommended. Contact Jeremy D at 480-415-5315 or for more details!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Superstition Wilderness 25K & 50K / Sunday 1.2.11
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Last Wednesday run of 2010

Runners of the week are all the peeps that joined in on Honey’s Christmas Eve Day run in the Preserve. Two and half hours of up and down every mountain. Lots of fun and good times.

Monday, December 20, 2010
Santa Says Go Run 12.22.10

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Remember Kopol Run 12.14.10
Jody's Run 2010 from Jeff Jones on Vimeo.
Also, a shout out to the McDowell Mountain Frenzy runners. 50K Paulette (1st place Female), Joe G (top 10), Mark Hellenthal. 25K Albert Shank (6th), Jon Roig, Laura Encinas (2nd female, Lisa Osinga. Please let us know if we missed any WMRCer!! We want to know!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Cave Creek Trail Marathon Fun Run / 1.30.11

2010 Report and Results
2010 Videos: Here and Here

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
WMRC 12/8

Congrats to the sun devils for the current streak of one win in a row against the Cats. It took a miracle but you can actually miss an extra point twice in one game. Now I know how the devils felt all season. On to B-ball season for the devils-hee hee. Good luck to all 85 Div 1 teams that made it to a bowl game this year.
Runner of the week goes Andrew Heard for his return to the trails. He "won" the South Mountain 50 K fun run organized by Robert Andrulis on Sat, great job Robert! Here are somne other results....well done everyone.
- The ‘whole enchilada’
Andrew Heard 5:23
Debbie Leftwich 7:20
Melissa Masteller 8:05
- 20.8 miles (or so)
Nick Coury 3:26
Nathan Coury 3:28
Jeremy Dougherty 4:13
- Some other variation up to (or maybe more than) 20 miles
Kate Hansen 4:45
Tiffany Foster * 4:50
Stephanie Taylor* 4:50
Stephanie Buettner 4:54
Katie Daugherty 4:59
Justin Fredricksen 4:59
Paul Norberg ^ 6:25
See everyone tomorrow, bright and early.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Pre Game ASU Vs UofA trail run 12/1/10
Runners of the Week: a bunch of hardy runners ran Donovan's Tom Thumb 50K over the weekend. Paul Bonnet won in a course record 5:34 followed by Bourque, Honey (1st female), Deb Hamberlin, Brian soto, Laura Nagy and Hall Gensler. Marathon finishers Jon Woehl, Jerry Portelli, Melissa Masteller. There was some 60K runners too!!! Paul Rondeau, Liz Everly, Jeff Byant and Gary Coronado. Who says wrong turns are bad?
Help the Troops: I know this is short notice but any help would be great. Jeff Jones has organized the following. I'm sure everyone has old cell phones laying around.
Here's two way to help the troops, do them both.
On Wednesday 12/1 bring any and all care package items. Jeff Jones will take it from there and get them delivered through a KPHO TV 5 promotion. You can also give him your goodies at the South Mountain "get together" 50K on Saturday. Care package donation list
Also, if anyone has any old cell phones laying around. Dust that relic off and donate it to a good cause. Over the next 3 WMRC runs give your old phones to Jeff Jones. He'll get them into the right hands so they can be sold and turned into phone minutes for the troops. Below is the link of the charity we will be using. Make sure to purge your phone all all personal data.
Monday, November 22, 2010
WMRC 11/24
Congrats to all Ironman finishers.
The water was 6o degrees and Joe G said he felt like Jack Dawson sinking into the Atlantic.
Here Joe gets his seal skin pulled off him, looks fun huh?
Joe Galope
Swim: 1:51:03 Bike: 7:12:40 Run: 5:00:56 14:17:40
Kirk McCarville
Swim: 1:19:30 Bike: 6:29:49 Run: 7:27:06 15:30:03
There was also a Coury bro's event somewhere on the westside. Jeremy ran around in circles for 50 miles. Great job to the Coury boys for another great event.
See everyone Wed 5:16 am.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Run Reminder 11.17.10

The Arizona Ironman is Sunday. I assume the water is flowing into Tempe Town Lake. Good luck to all WMRC runners: Joe G, Kirk and Mark M. Missing anyone???
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Wednesday reminder for Nov. 10th
Looking out towards the Northwest, the Coury Bros. ran the 2010 USA Marathon Trail Championships. Jamil was 18th in a time of 3:17:20, Nick was 21st , 3:25:40. Well done!
Looking forward, check out the run Donovan is putting on at Tom’s Thumb in three weeks on November 27th. Jeff made a really cool award that will be raffled off. Check it out here. Aravaipa Running continues with their fall line of running events. And Zane Grey 50 registration is now open.
Looking to the immediate future, come join us for a trail run in the morning. We’re hitting the trail at 5:15 a.m. from the top of Squaw Peak drive and running into Higg’s neighborhood to bang on his door in the pre-dawn hours to get him to make us all pancakes if he doesn’t show up tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wednesday reminder for Nov. 3rd
Reminder: Group trail run in the Phoenix Mountains Preserve Wednesday morning 5:16 AM. Meet at the very top lot of Squaw Peak Drive north of Glendale / Lincoln Dr. Plan on a little over one hour at a slow to moderate pace.
Aravaipa Running is hosting the Pass Mountain Trail runs next weekend out at Usery Park in Mesa as part of their Desert Runner Trail Series. Jamil and Nick are offering us a discount to this run. If you register online through ultrasignup with code WMRC20, you'll get 20% off any of the distances. They'll keep the code active through Thursday night. The info for the run is here and the sign up link is here.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
WMRC Run reminder 10/27
Come out and join us for a Wednesday morning run on the trails at 5:15 a.m. at the top of Squaw Peak Drive. It’s guaranteed to be easier than last week (because I can’t imagine it being any harder).
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Cool Wednesday Morning Run Reminder

Come run with some cool people and some not so cool people on the Wednesday morning trail run from the top of Squaw Peak drive. A moderately paced one hour trot over hill and dale departing from the parking lot at 5:15 a.m.
A bunch of cool people went and did a double

Monday, October 11, 2010
WMRC Run reminder - 10/13

Kudos to Honey and Debbie for race directing the Mazatzals Trail Run (a.k.a. mini-Zane Grey). Runners of the week go to Jamil and Laura for their glorious victories on Sunday at Matazals. Lots of WMRC’ers also running included Nick, Paul, Jon, Paulette and Jeremy.
Congratulations to Chris Latvaaho at the Kona Ironman World Championship this past Saturday. After swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles (averaging 22 mph) he ran a 3:18 marathon to close out the day finishing 40th in his division. Well done!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Summer is over celebration run
Congratulations to everyone that ran Man Against Horse up in Prescott over the weekend. Honey, Jamil, Nick, Joanne (first woman overall) and Jon R. all ran solid performances. I haven’t seen results yet, so apologies to anyone that I may have missed. Runner’s of the week go out to Paul Randeau who completed his first 50-miler at Man Against Horse, and also to Debbie Leftwich who ran her SIXTEENTH 100-miler at Arkansas 100. She was 7th woman overall.
Last month, Jody went to Europe to run the Ultra-Trail de Monte Blanc and put together this nice video of her adventure.
France/Italy 2010 from Jody Chase on Vimeo.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Wednesday morning reminder.
Congratulations to Jody for finishing the Bear 100-mile endurance run through Utah and Idaho finishing 4th woman overall. And congratulations to everyone that participated in the 12-hour run in the McDowell Mountain Park over the weekend. Good job Nick, Jamil and the rest of the Coury clan for another excellently well run event. See you in the morning!
Friday, September 24, 2010
BEAR 100 Webcast
2010 Bear 100 Live Results Page
Good Morning Everyone,
Just wanted you all to know that JJ and Jody both looked good this morning at the start. It was in the 40's with a beautiful full moon. JJ slept well but was a little nervous this morning. At the race meeting yesterday the main concern was to watch out for the elk hunters! I will hopefully see JJ at Cowley, Right Hand Fork and Temple Fork. RJ
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Nick makes Team USA at National Championship

Looking forward, JJ and Jody will both be running the Bear 100-mile run in Utah/Idaho this weekend. So if JJ shows up, we’ll take it easy to try and not kill him before his long run. Rachel will be pacing him and we don’t want her mad at us.
Be there, or be square at the top of Squaw Peak Drive. Departure time is 5:17 a.m.
Monday, September 13, 2010
WMRC Run reminder 9/15

Thursday, September 9, 2010
9/11 Reflection Run

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Wednesday Reminder 9.8.10

9/11 Reflection Run: Saturday is 9/11. We are going to meet at 7:00 AM at Dreamy Draw Parking lot (exit Northern off SR-51) for the annual "Reflection Run". This is a SLOW run in the preserve up and around red mound. Nothing better than running with a group on this day. Slow pace, good company, be thankful, reflect, look-forward.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wednesday Run Reminder 9.1.10
Check out Paulette Zillmer's Leadville Race Report. Great job Paulette!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Bulldog recovery run 8.25.10
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Leadville Taper Run 8.18.10
ROW: The streak is broken...Cosmas has failed to submit his weekly exploit to the Board of Directors thus he will not be awarded a fifth Runner of the Week in a row. Congrats to Donovan Sarka for his completion of the El Vaquero 50K in Wyoming. Looks like a very pretty run.
Leadville 100: Good luck to WMRC runner Paulette Zillmer who is running the Leadville Trail 100 mile run starting early Saturday morning. We know she is going to do really well. Have fun. Stay safe.
Late addition: this administrator is asleep at the wheel. How could we forget two other big events this weekend? Good luck to Liz Everly and Laura Nagy in Where's Waldo 100K in Oregon and Dave Westhoff and Chris Harrison running the Bulldog 50K in Malibu. This will be Westy's 1st ultra marathon!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Back To School Morning Run 8.11.10

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ultra Marathon Study / Participants Needed
This study, led by Christos Katsanos, PhD from Arizona State University, along with honors Kinesiology students Nathan Coury and John Kline (serving as their honors theses), aims to determine 1) If there is an optimal running speed where fat is the primary substrate used for energy and 2) If this optimal running speed is a better predictor of performance than VO2max. By measuring the ratio of fat versus carbohydrates used at a given speed either running or walking, we hope to determine the highest speed that a runner can travel at over a given distance while still using primarily fat as his or her main fuel source. We would like to recruit 15 male runners for this study, mainly to avoid complications with menstrual cycles, but future studies may include female subjects as well. Potential participants must also have completed a 50 mile or longer run in the past 5 years and be in a healthy condition.
The study will be conducted both in the lab and in the field. For the lab portion, subjects will be asked to come in on 4 separate occasions to the Clinical Research Unit exercise laboratory at Arizona State University Tempe campus. One session will be used to determine optimal walking speed (a sub-maximal test) and VO2max (a maximal test), and the other three days will be used to determine optimal running speed (a sub-maximal test), all performed on the treadmill. Lab tests will all be completed in the mornings, save special circumstances, but definitely between the hours of 8am-5pm Monday through Friday. For the field portion, subjects will participate in a 50 mile race on a flat 500-meter dirt track as a test of performance to validate lab findings. The race will take place in Buckeye, Arizona on November 20th starting at 7am. Free race entry will be given to all study participants. During both the lab and field tests, participants will eat an individually-determined standardized breakfast before each lab session and on race morning, use a heart rate monitor, use an accelerometer, a Rate of Perceived Exertion scale, and a non-invasive scale used to measure Body Mass Index (BMI). We will be taking an inventory of all food and fluid intake during the race, as well as assessing each subjects medical condition and rate of perceived exertion in 5 mile intervals.
Participation is voluntary and each subject is free to withdraw from the study at any time. There are no costs associated with participation. The risks associated with participation in this trial do not exceed the risks normally associated with participating in a 50 mile ultramarathon race. Your participation will help the ultra endurance running community at large by determining what the optimal speed to run ultramarathon races in order to maximize fat use and thus help runners to achieve their personal best performances, and to minimize problems associated with incorrect pacing. If we find that this optimal running speed is also a better indicator of performance in ultramarathon races than VO2max, this could mean hope for those who do not perform as well in shorter races because they may still be able to do well in longer ultramarathon events.
If you are interested in a chance to become a participant in this study, please send an email with “Ultramarathon Study” in the subject line to to receive more information.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Speed Goat Recovery Run 8.4.10

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Speed Goat Taper Run 7.28.10

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Messed up morning / Roll Call
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Run Reminder 7.21.10
Runners of the Week: Mark, Lizzy, Paulette, Boone and Matt hit Flagstaff on Saturday and ran Kendrick Peak. Elevation 10,400 ft. 18 miles round trip. Sounds like one nice run.
Over that last couple of months we've followed Jeff Jones quest in running the four hardest 50 mile trail races in the country. There is actually much more to the story. Its a story of how the passing of Little Taylor Paige Cosmas a week before the Zane Grey 50 changed us all. Its as story on how a little girl's short life left a legacy. Jeff Jone's 50 mile slam has spurred into the TPC Slam. Check it out.
The following is JJ's TPC Slam recap. The video and images are from the four 50 mile races, Wednesday morning runs and past Zane Grey races.
The TPC Slam from Jeff Jones on Vimeo.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Hardrock Recovery Run 7.14.10

Friday, July 9, 2010
Heading out of Ouray!
Hardrock 100 - Game On!
The 3 amigos 30 min before start.

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Let the Hardrock Games Begin!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Hardrock 100 Taper Run 7.7.10

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Western States Recovery Run 6.30.10

Check out the last video instalment of JJ's 50 mile slam. Four 50 mile trail races within a couple months. The last one is from the San Juan Solstice 50 in Colorado. Beautiful scenery. Great work JJ!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Western States Taper Run 6.23.10
Runners of the Week: Congrats to Jody Chase (new Colorado Resident) who ran the Big Horn 100 mile trail run in Wyoming. She was having a stellar race through the first 48 miles until her IT band started acting up. Battling 28 degree temps at night she gutted it out to finish in 28:40. Way to get it done Jody.
Jeff Jones completed his season slam of running the four hardest 50 mile races within a two month period. Jeff ran the San Juan Solstice 50 mile on Saturday finishing in 14:07:41. Now Jeff has to rank the all and give us all a little perspective.

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Flagstaff 50 Recovery Run 6.16.10
Runner of the week: Congrats to Noah Dougherty for running his first Ultra (or Marathon) distance last weekend in the inaugural Flagstaff 50K. Nice picture of Noah on the Waterline. Also congrats to the first female finisher Honey. Jamil and Nick haven't posted the complete finishers list but it sounds like it was a very fun time for all. Paul R, Paulette, Kirk, Donovan and Jeremy included.
Laura P just forwarded the news that Caballo Blanco, the central figure in the book Born To Run is appearing at Sole Sports in Tempe for a group run and Benefit talk on Thursday June 24th. More info Here. Bring your book to get signed.
Good luck to Jeff Jones who is going for number 4 in his 50 mile slam this weekend running the San Juan Solstice 50 mile in Colorado. Also good luck to our WMRC Colorado friend Scott Jaime who is also running. Scott has had an impressive 2010 leading up to Hardrock 100 in July. Keep it going!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Squaw Kettle Deuce Recovery Run 6.9.19

Two notables Tri-Athletes (former Ultra Trail Runners) completed in the Deuceman. Chris Latvaaho finished the Deuce's Wild Olympic Distance 6th overall 2:14:12. Very impressive but raise your hand if you want Chris to get back to 50 and 100 mile trail runs.....I do! Joe Galope who actually hasn't given up on Ultra Trail runs finished the Deuceman Triathlon 70.3 in 6:25:16. Great job Joe!!!
Squaw Peak 50 from Jeff Jones on Vimeo.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
WMRC Squaw Peak 50 Taper Run
Good luck to Jeff Jones who continues his quest on running the hardest 50-mile races this season. Only 2 weeks out from Jemez 50 Jeff is going to Utah and running the Squaw Peak 50 on Saturday. Another very tough but beautiful course. Good luck JJ!

Need some more motivation to get out tomorrow? Its National Running Day.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Jody's Last Wednesday Morning Run?? 5.26.10
Jody Chase is moving!! Jody has decided that she wants to get some real training in so she is moving to Lake City Colorado at the end of the month. This won't be her last Wednesday run with the group but it's going to be awhile. My guess we will see her when it's a negative 20 degrees with 20 feet of snow on the ground:) Everyone is invited to "Jody's I'm out of here Run / Party" Saturday morning. Come on out and line up for a hug. You can go through the line as many times as you like!
Runner of the week: Jeff Jones is on a quest to run the hardest 50 mile trail runs this summer. A different one each month. April it was Zane Grey 50. Last weekend it was number 2, The Jemez 50 mile in Los Alamos N.M. Check out JJ's latest video essay. Great job JJ. What is next month?
Jemez 50M 2010 from Jeff Jones on Vimeo.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hamster Taper Morning Run 5/19

Running Hope Through America w/ Lisa Batchen from April 19th to June 19th, 2010. Lisa Smith Batchen, one of the world's premier ultra-runners, will be the first person to attempt to run 50 miles in each of the 50 states. Though two people have previously run a marathon distance in each state, no one has ever taken on the challenge of completing an ultra in the same period of time. Lisa will be in Phoenix on Tuesday, June 8th. It would be cool to get a group out to support her. Jamil is planning to run with her for a least a couple of hours. The Phoenix route isn't posted yet but will be some sort of looped course. Check it out