Monday, July 13, 2009

Badwater 135 update - 41 miles

Leaders through Stovepipe Wells (41 miles)

Marcos Farinazzo 5:31
Jorge Pacheco 5:31
Dean Karnazes 6:42
Lorie Hutchison (F) 6:45

Go Perry!


azspeedgoat said...

He is actually in 4th pl, one of those in front of him was an ealry starter. GO P!!!

Higg said...

Joe, you are slacking! Please provide some video like you did at Hardrock. THX. Speedgoat, It is my understanding that what is shown is the cummulative time for each runner that counts no matter if it is a 6 am start or 10 am start. But what do I know, I only run once a week:)