Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Don't be this guy.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
A cooler WMRC 12.12.12

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Can't beat the weather! 12/5 Run
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
It's On 11/28/12
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Wednesday, November 7th post-election Wednesday Morning Run!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
WMRC Halloween Run
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
WMRC 10/3
Erin got first place in the 50K division of the Javelina Night runs. This was her first ultra and did amazing. Laura got 2nd and the Coury boys put on an amazing event as always.
James got 6th place and lost 2 jobs at the Bear 100 miler in UT to ID.
See everyone tomorrow for an easy-ish 1:03 trail run. Top lot of SQ PK DR. 5:17am.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
WMRC 9/26
We are on for a trail run tomorrow morning at 5:17am. 6ish miles of trail heaven. Bring a light as half the run will be dark. Blue is showing up to teach Ozzie trail etiquette.
James Boner is off to run the Bear 100 this weekend from UT to WY. If he doesn't win he is fired.
Years of hard work are coming true for longtime WMRCer Jeremy D as the Mogollon Monster kicks off this Friday up on the rim. This 106 mile race is surely gonna be a tough one. Marius, Deron, Danny, Honey and some others are taking the plunge and going for it. Sorry if I missed anyone.
Aravaipa Night run is this weekend, still time to sign up Thursday from 4-7pm at iRun or before the run at Pemberton Trail head. 25k, 50km, 75k or 100k. Me and Blue are doing 25k.
See everyone tomorrow morning. Get a good night sleep, I got some new shoes and really feel like breaking them in!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
WMRC 9/12
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
WMRC 8/29/12
Runners of the week:
Dave "Westy" Westhoff and Chris "Hoss" Harrison ran the beautiful Bulldog 50km
in Malibu Creek Canyon on Saturday. A cool foggy morning greeted runners on
the first loop (25km), giving way to a perfect second loop in the beautiful
scenic Santa Monica Mountains. After a strong first loop, Westy pulled ahead
on the second loop with an epic climb up Bulldog mountain and then crushed the
long downhill to snag a 5:29:44 and PR! Way to go Westy! Hoss followed up with
a 5:44:38. The traditional brews & beach followed the race and capped off a
great day.
See you all tomorrow morning, we are going owl hunting again, so dress in camo and paint your face! Headlamps soon...I know just the place to get them also. Mention WMRC to get your discount at iRun.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
WMRC 8/8/12
There will be sweat, heat, blood and dirt. Not necessarily in that order.
Since I am too busy or lazy to look up what people did this last week, you know the rules. Blue dog gets the runner of the week award.
Probably should go to Jay Danek or James Bonnett for their efforts at Speedgoat 50K. But oh well.
We have a large group going to Mt Ord Sat am. Meet at Fountain Hills Dennys at 4:15am or at bottom lot of Mt Ord at 5am. We will have aid station at the Y with regular ultra food and drink.
See you all in the morning, should be nice weather. Ugh.............
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
WMRC 7/24
Honey, Robert and Lizzie went out to do Hardrock, the hardest race on the planet. 102 miles in the San Juans. Honey and Lizzie ended up dropping at miles 85 and 90 from hypothermia and bad weather keeping them from going on to the next aid. Robert finished his 6th straight HR 100. He is a stud. This race is so brutal! Congrats Robert and well done to Honey and Liz. It takes guts to even think about doing that race, much less go out and give it your all.
We are on for an easy trail run tomorrow morning, 5:16am. Park at top lot of SQ PK DR.
Mark, Jay and James are off to tackle the hardest 50 K in the country this weekend. Speedgoat 50K in Snowbird UT, will be fun with a super stacked field. All the top Mtn Runners in the world are here.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
WMRC 7/11/12
This Friday, (Sat and Sun) is the Hardrock 100, the best race of all time! There is ultra running and then there is Hardrock! WMRCers Honey, Lizzie and Robert A will be toeing the line. Robert going for his 6th finish, Honey her 2nd, and Lizzie on her maiden voyage. The is nothing like the beauty of the San Juans and that course. Enjoy this tour of the course from last year.
Hardrock 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Wednesday run - June. 13
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
This weekend is the San Diego 100 mile endurance run. We have a lot of AZ/WMRC folks heading out to run. Jay Danek, Jon Roig, Michael Miller, Andrew Heard, Me, Dan Cagle and Lindsay from Sedona Running Co. This will be my first 100 in 3 years. I am trying something new with training. Every day I looked at Jay Danek's blog, whatever distance he ran, I cut that in half and ran that. Averaging 40 miles a week, peaking at 60 for one week. No races, pretty much all taper, If "less is more" was a city, i'd be the freaking mayor!
Come out tomorrow and celebrate National Running Day with us. 5:16am, top lot of SQ PK DR. 1;4 minutes, very easy pace.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
WMRC 5/30
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Cholloyote on WMRC Run
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
WMRC 5/23
Monday, May 14, 2012
WMRC 5/16/12
Also, we will be playing a game called, "Let's find James". I have a bet with James Bonnett that he can't live in the preserve for a week like the homeless person he looks like. Wed, we will get some clues as to where in the preserve he slept that night and we will go out and find him. Bring water because we will not be stopping at the trail head.
Runner of the week goes to Gavin Hanover for his PCT 50 mile finish last weekend. He is soaking his quad at the beach right now and may return for Wed.
Meet top lot of SQ PK DR at 5:15, don't be late as we need to get a good start to Find James.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Come run this Wednesday - May 9
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
WMRC 5.2.12
Am I reading this correctly?! Paulette has the 8 fastest women's time ever at Zane Grey 50 then one week later finishes 8th in a strong field of women at Leone Divide 50 mile!! Wow. What will she do this weekend?
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Runner of the week goes to Paulette Zillmer. Lala as she is known other places won the brutally hot Zane Grey 51 mile trail race over the past weekend. She got the 8th fastest time by a woman ever on arguably the toughest conditions the Highline Trail has ever served up. Way to go PJ!
Other WMRCr's out there were Chris Harrison paced by Westy, Jay Danek, Marius Toma, Joh Roig, John Vaupel, Shawn Pfunder, Lisa Osinga, oh and Honey got her 10th finish of the ZG monster! Way to go Honey!
Here to all the finishers and crew that helped them survive the day! Raise a glass to all of you and to JJ on his birthday!
See everyone tomorrow morning at 5:16am for a birthday jog!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Little Taylor Cosmas WMRC 4.18.12
Taylor's parents, Mark and Katie formed Team Taylor last year to raise funds for SIDS research. Hopefully one day there will be a cure to prevent SIDS from happening to other families.
Just like last year Team Taylor will have the largest team this weekend in Pat's Run in Tempe. Its not to late to get involved!!! Check out the Team Taylor website HERE. Please consider a donation, buying Team Taylor shirts and / or joining the after run party at O.H.S.O. Tickets are only $20. Click on the Donation Tab on the Team Taylor Website for more info.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
WMRC Engagement Run 4.11.12
Runners of the week. Joe and Megan! Why?...Well, they had a great run up Secret Mountain this morning...and they are a great looking couple...and Joe had some words with Megan....Nice words....Megan liked the words. Where am I going with this?...I don't know because it may be a secret on secret mountain. I'll do some more research. Congrats to Joe and Megan for ROW!!
Monday, April 2, 2012
RIP Caballo!

I am sure most of you have heard that we lost a true pioneer to the trail running community recently. Micah True passed away last week while out on a trail run in NM. Not sure yet of the cause but one thing is for sure he will be missed.
Runner of the week goes to Caballo Blanco, or the White Horse as he was known by many. May you "Run Free" with angels.
Wednesday we will dedicate our run to Caballo and run easy and light on our feet as he would. Let the trail lead the way and have fun being together out in the desert.
While I did not know him very well, we did share some trail miles together at WMRC a few years ago and MVH and AC100 years back. After meeting him just a handful of times, I felt his passion for life and running and it definitely rubbed off on me.
RIP Micah True. Thanks.
See everyone Wed morning at 5:16am- Top lot of SQ PK DR.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Zane Grey 50 Course Marking - April 14
It's that time again Ultrarunners! Official trail marking day for Zane Grey is on Sat. April 14th. We will be meeting at the Safeway in Payson at 7:00am. At the intersection of Hwy. 260 & 87, turn right...towards Show Low, Heber, Holbrook, etc. You will see McDonald's on the corner. Safeway will be your right, look for my red Honda Element. Safeway has bathrooms, can purchase snackies, water, even has Starbucks!
So I can organize groups, please contact me in advance. Distances are normally around 7-8 miles. This is a great way to see part of the course, and it's fun! Bring a friend, family, doggy...
I can be reached on my cell at 602-399-0531 or email me at selectionsstore4@aol.com
Thanks for your help! :)
Honey Albrecht
"Official" Zane Grey trail marking Captain...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
WMRC 3/28

Look who remembered a reminder. My mind is tired of no sleep and baby farts.
We are on tomorrow morning at 5:17am at the top lot of SQ PK DR. Blue will be there, I probably won't.
Runner of the week is Honey Albrecht. She ran the Gorge Waterfalls 50K in 5:41 over the weekend. Had to be one of the prettiest courses I have ever seen. Ran past 7 falls like the picture above.
Everyone else tied for last place.
Do I seem bitter? I haven't slept in 5 weeks and am training for a 100 on 17 miles a week and 2.6 hrs of sleep a night. Bye.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Run Reminder 3.20.12
5:16 AM. see ya!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
WMRC 3/7/12

Heyo! We are on for a group run in the preserve tomorrow morning at 5:16am. Lots of great races this past weekend.
Congrats to Scott Schmidt-The Madd Crapper of Mt Ord, for finishing his first 50 miler at OP this past weekend. He came in at 11:18 for 51 miles. Not too bad for his first, Felt great and will be there tomorrow.
I am not sure if it was Alison's first 50 but she killed it in 10:07! Holy Crap that is great!
Also at OP were Joe Galope, Jon Roig, Andrew Heard, Artemus Bourque and crewing for these fine folks was Klown and Meg Powers!
Jay Danek did great at Neuces 50 miler in Texas this weekend also, placing 20th overall in 9:something...Great Job Jay, keep it up!
Se everyone tomorrow bright and early!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Leap Year Run 2/29

Once every 4 years we get an extra day to train. What will you do with this day? Run trails? Bingo!
Tomorrow. 5:17am. Top lot SQ PK DR. Be There.
Lots of peeps doing OP 50 this weekend so we will take it easy. Good time for first timers. Also a crew of ours went in to Copper Canyon in Mex to run with the Tumahumarais, Terharadauris, Daratuharmis, never mind.....the only thing I have heard so far is they found Margaritas.
See everyone tomorrow, I will be running before and after but Cade's sleep schedule determines what time. Hoping for 22nd st THat 4:30-4:45.
If you haven't checked out trailrunningclub.com yet, make sure you do and "like" it on facebook.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
WMRC 2/22

We are on for an easy recovery run tomorrow at 5:17 am at the top lot of SQ PK DR.
Rumor has it that Salomon Trail shoes will be at WMRC tomorrow morning to sample all the latest shoes they have. Don't be late!
Rumor also has it a bunch of people snuck off to do Mt Ord on Sat. Since they didn't tell anyone they don't get runner of the week.
Grandpa Jim gets runner of the week for putting on his GJ's 50k this past weekend. I know a bunch of WMRC peeps joined in and probably wished they did't because Jim put together a brutally hard course. But all for a good cause. Way to go Jim.
Cade gets runner up for finishing 90 ml of formula on Monday.
Se everyone tomorrow, we will be taking it easy as everyone had a tough weekend running.
See you tomorrow at 5:17am.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Meet Cade Cosmas!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
WMRC 2/8

We got fast people in this group!
We are on for a group trail run in the PMP tomorrow morning at 5:17 am. Meet at the top lot of Sq Pk Dr. 1:04 and about 5.84 miles. You can run around in circles with Jay after if you want to get 6.00 miles.
Runners of the week- The super fast Matt Schmidt won the San Tan Scramble 50K on Sat. His time of 4:01 shattered the course record and if he wasn't carrying a huge back pack he could have broke 4 hrs.
Another week another win for Paulette, she won the womens 50k race.
Nick Coury of Aravaipa fame went out to his competitors race and won the Xterra 15 miler in the McDowells on Sunday.
JJ and Liz went to the Matazals and this is what happened to Lizzies leg.
See everyone tomorrow, I will be starting early from 22nd st to get in an extra hour if anyone is interested.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
WMRC - February 1
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
WMRC 1/25

We are on for a 5.89 mile trail run at 5:17 am tomorrow morning. Blue will be leading and he is feeling a bit ornery.
Congrats to all WMRCer's that got into the San Diego 100. That is going to be a fun weekend.
Runner of the week goes to Perry Edinger, old school WMRCer that got 11th place in the Coldwater Rumble 31K over the past weekend. The Coury brothers continue to put on quality events. Thanks guys!
We are doing new shirts in the next couple weeks, They will be North Face Tech shirts with the WMRC/iRun logo. iRun will be underwriting the shirts, so the cost per shirt is $6.00. White, Black, Grey and Orange are the options. Stay tuned.....
See everyone tomorrow morning.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
WMRC 1/11/12

Let's do an easy trail run this Wednesday morning at 5:16am. Due to some heavy racing last weekend and this coming weekend we will be taking it easy, I promise, Blue.
Runner of the week goes to a few people worthy of this. First, Jay Danek busted a good time at Bandera 100k over the weekend in Texas throwing down a 10:30 for 16th place overall.
Nick Coury blew everyone away at the Castle Hot Springs 22 miler this weekend. Running a 2:40 that is equivalent to a full marathon. My quads are still sore from pounding all those downhills. Matt Schmidt and Nathan Coury also smoked that thing as well.
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend, see you out on the trails soon (Wed).
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
First run of 2012!
Runner of the week goes to Debbie Leftwich for running 104 miles this past weekend at the Across the Years 24-hour run, placing her 3rd woman, 5th overall. Also deserving special mention is Robert Andrulis for running 169 miles, and James Bonnett running 134 miles in the 72 hour event.