Runner of the week goes to WMRC veteran and real life veteran Bill Barthen. Bill finished the WS 100 for the 2nd time. 23 and a hlf hrs, battling stomach issues and some sort of limp. Bill is a tough MoFo. Congrats bud!

Other Phoenix runners at States this year were Craig Norquist-27+hrs, Rich McKnight-29:50, Dan Brendan-Duh-if there is a 100 he is there, Toni Vaughn 29 hours. Wanna know how it feels to finish at WS 100...
Coming up.... WMRC'ers in the Hardrock 100 in about 3 weeks. Andrew Heard and Nick Coury, both are looking good for a strong showing up in Silverton.
See everyone Wed morning. 5:16 am.