Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Last WMRC run for 2011
ROW: This week Jay Danek surpassed 4,000 Miles for the year. Holy Cow!! If my math is correct that is over 11 miles per day!
Happy New Year everyone!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Santa Says Go Run 12/21/11
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Could be a rainy WMRC run 12.14.11
ROW: the WMRC group runs started over 8 years ago. One of the main goals is to promote trail running an encourage first timers to attempt Ultra Trail Runs. Last weekend Andrew Colbert finished his first 50K at the McDowell Mtn. Frenzy. Nice Job.
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Joe Finishing Xterra Trail Run World Championships |
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Post Hardrock 100 Selection Run 12.7.11
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Robert Andrulis (far left) Receiving 5 time Hardrock 100 Finisher award |
ROW: Congrats to the North Face 50 Runners in San Fran. Jamil 40th overall (7:58), Paulette 13th female finisher (9:15), and Jon Roig with a fast 10 hour good for 129th.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
WMRC 11.30.11
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
WMRC 11/23

Pre Turkey Trot- we are on for an hour ish run in the preserve tomorrow morning at 5:16 am.
Runner of the week is a 3 way tie between PJ Zillmer, Kirk McCarville and Kadeem Carey.
Paulette won the womens 50k race at the Aravaipa Pass Mtn Trail run.
Kirk finished the AZ Ironman this past Sunday- the picture is one I have seen way too many times. Kirk gutting out another tough finish in an endurance event and Kate looking at him saying " don't lie to me, I know you haven't eaten or drank in 3 hrs!"
Kadeem Carey ran wild on the asu "defense" to give the Wildcats a win on sun devil turf. Go Cats!
See everyone tomorrow for a thanksgiving run!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Javelina 100 recovery run 11.16.11
What a day in the McDowell Mountain Park. The Javelina Jundred gets better each year. Congrats to the Coury Brothers. By all accounts another great production (although thanks to the website hackers I couldn't follow along) Two course records got smashed Hal Koerner bettered Phoenix's own Dave James record by 30 min to win in 13:47:00 and Liz Howard smashed the women record by over 1.5 hours to finish in 15:47:00.
More impressive is the number of WMRCers running, pacing, crewing and working aid stations. Runners of the week to finishers: Jay Danek, Deron Ruse, Grandpa Jim Fowler and John Vaupel. Who else am I missing?? Check out the photos from Jeremy Dougherty and the race report of Jay Danek.
Special notes: One of our early WMRC members Aaron Mascarella was hit by a car while riding a bike over the weekend. It's my understanding that he will be okay but he'll have a long road to recovery with multiple broken bones.
Also, today would have been Baby Taylor's 2nd birthday. There is no doubt that Taylor is looking over her Mommy and Daddy. Mark and Katie, we are thinking of you. We Smile She Smiles Blog
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Wednesday Run 11/9
Since I have been out of the loop don't have a good runner of the week. Please make nominations in the comment section. In the meantime check out JJ's latest video. Very touching. Higg
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
WMRC 11/2

Welcome to November! We are on for an "easy" 1:05 trail run in the PMP. Meet at the top lot of SQ PK DR. We are going about 6-ish miles with some hills involved.
Runner of the week. Goes to the family of the Daneks. Traci finished her first 30K at the Cave Creek Thriller and Jay finished 5th in the 50K. If he didn't run 629 miles a week he probably would have finished a little higher. All this plus Petra looked super cute in her Supergirl outfit last night.
Great job to the Coury boys and Aravaipa Running for putting on this great trail run series. For more info on this race series go to aztrailrun.com
See everyone tomorrow morning at 5:16 am.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
WMRC 10/26

Hello everyone!
We are on for an easy trial run in the Phx Mtn Preserve tomorrow morning at 5:16am, top lot of SQ PK DR.
Runner of the week goes to Jay Danek. He should have got it last week for his awesome 12 (10) hour 100K victory at the Javelina 12 hr run. Way to go Jay!
Bad runner of the week goes to Jeremy who then took Jay out to the superstitions the next week and gave him a death march that may cut his streak of 590 days of running in a row to an end. Way to no Jeremy. Read about how much Jay hates Jeremy on his blog here.
See everyone tomorrow morning!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Run Wednesday Morning 5:15 a.m.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
WMRC 10/12

Runner of the week goes to University of Arizona AD for relieving Mike Stoops of his weekly temper tantrums and the belittling of 19 yr old kids. Football is supposed to be fun and it is much more fun when you win every now and then. Adios Senior' Stoopido.
Runners up goes to The Matazal crew of Honey and Debbie for putting on the annual 18 miler up there. I know they had about 20-30 people make the trek up and run this great course. Thanks Deb and Honey.
For more info check out WMRC superstar Jay Danek's Blog here.
See everyone tomorrow for an "easy" hour in the preserve.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
New Mazatzal Run Start
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
WMRC 10/5

Hey all, we are on for a easy recovery run tomorrow at 5:16am. Meet at top lot of SQ PK DR. Maybe about
Man vs. Horse went down this past weekend and lots of WMRCer's were going at it.
Runner of the week goes to Marius Toma, he finished his first 50 miler and had a blast doing it. I had a great time running with him and Gavin for about 15ish miles and they were doing great.
Joe G, Gavin, John V, Honey, John Roig, Jamil (3rd pl) , all also did the 50 miler. Some people, person removed them selves from the race with a DNC (did not care) at mile 32. (thanks Megan for the ride back to the start)
Please tell me if I missed anyone, wasn't there for the 25 but know some peeps were there. Sorry.
See everyone tomorrow morning, 5:16am, don't be late! GO DIAMONDBACKS!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
WMRC9/28- Bear 100 Re Cap

We are on for an easy 1:03 trail run in the PMP tomorrow morning at 5:16 am. This will be an easy pace as many are heading up to Prescott for Man against Horse this weekend.
Runners of the week are too many so it goes to Blue again. Just kidding.
JJ, Steph (pictured above), Lizzie , Andrew, Jody and Mark H all finished the Bear 100 this past weekend. One highlight includes Lizzie falling in a river twice while freezing at night. Andrew said he almost could have ice skated across b/c it was so cold. They were paced by WMRCer's Momo for Steph and Honey for Lizzie. Not sure of the rest.
Great job to all involved in the very successful weekend up there!
See everyone tomorrow morning.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Summer is over! Get out and run Wednesday morning.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
WMRC 9/14

We are on for a nice and relatively easy trail run in the preserve tomorrow morning at 5:16am. We will run up and down and down and up and down for about 5.7 miles in 1:04. This will be fun.
Runner of the week goes to Bill Barthen. He finished the Wasatch 100 miler in 29 hrs this past weekend. This race has an elevation gain of 27,000 ft over the 100 miles and is extremely hard. Well done Bill! This was the final race of the grand slam of 100's for Bill. He finished Western States, Vermont and Wasatch, only dnf'ing in Leadville due to an elevation troll that was hiding in his Camelbak repeatedly beating him over the head, neck and chest with a giant stick of some sort.
See everyone tomorrow morning at 5:16 am- Top lot of SQ PK DR.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Wednesday Reminder / 9.11 Reflection Run
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Uncle Sam is a runner too! - Cascade 100 Miles
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
WMRC 8/31

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Leadville Recovery Run 8/24
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Artist Depiction of WMRC Morning Run |
Congratulations to Joe G for his Run on the Sly 50K. 17th in 5:31:00. I wonder where that is?
Props to Bill and Paul for toeing the line at Leadville. They didn't finish but Crap happens, its 100 miles for goodness sake. Both have finished 100 miles before (actually very very recently) so I know they both will finish another 100 mile race soon. I wonder who else has a major race / run coming up?
Enough with the questions. Answer the call. See ya in the morning.
Monday, August 15, 2011
WMRC 8/17

See everyone Wed! Be there or be square!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
We're all broke....let's go for a run!
Monday, August 1, 2011
WMRC 8/3

Monday, July 25, 2011
WMRC 7.27 / AC Recovery

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Paulette Wins AC100!! / Jamil 5th overall
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
WMRC 7/20

Monday, July 11, 2011
WMRC 7/13-HR recovery run

Thursday, July 7, 2011
2011 Hardrock 100 mile Endurance Run
WMRC runners Nick Coury, Andrew Heard & Robert Andrulis are running. Follow along here at the Webcast and live video feed at HR HQ.
I Run Far also has great race coverage and twitter updates.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Thursday Salomon Demo Day

Monday, June 27, 2011
WMRC 6/29

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
WMRC 6/22

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
WMRC 6/15
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
New Runner of the week!
WMRC 6/7/11

We are on for a 5.77 mi trail run tomorrow morning at 5:16 am. Meet at the top lot of SQ PK DR.
Late Update: What is our group coming too? How do we ignore a 5th place finish at one of the grandest 50 mile races in the country? Oops! Congrats to Andrew Heard for his great run at the Squaw Peak 50 mile in Utah.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Goose Bumps On The Arm
JB Benna's trailer for his upcoming WS 100 documentary gets my goose bumps going. I guess I still love this sport, challenge, adventure, camaraderie, personalities, etc...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
National Running Day / WMRC 6.1.11
Last week Wednesday a group of 25 showed up to do the Gym / Cave route. Fun had by all. The Runner of the Week goes to Jim Fowler aka "Grandpa Jim" for his group best 17 pull-ups. I hear he didn't want to show off and add a few claps in between.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
WMRC 5/25
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
WMRC 5/18
Runner of the week goes to Melisa "Momo" Angelone. She rocked the Whiskey Row marathon in Prescott this past weekend. She is also early leader for WMRC newcomer of the year. Momo shows up every week, smile on her face, ready to tackle the trails. While she does like to do races as evidenced by her multiple Ironman finishes, I think she just likes to train and run with friends on the trails and that is what this group is about. It also doesn't hurt to wear such a cool shirt if you want to impress the committee.
Runner up goes to the JJ, Paul R, Bill Barthen and Steph B crew that went up and ran across the big hole in the earth known as the GC double crossing. Great job, below is the video of the event. If you ever have the opportunity to do this run with a group, do it.
Good luck to Kirk in the Texas Ironman this weekend.
See everyone tomorrow morning.Rim Cubed 2011 from Jeff Jones on Vimeo.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
WMRC 5/11
Runners of the week goes out to the Coury boys and crew the ran/scrambled the Pariah Canyon this past weekend. Check out the pics on Facebook.
Runner up goes to Blue Dog who has been dominating the canal lately. He opened up a running store for dogs and has been holding group runs on the canal and chasing ducks and small birds for his tempo workouts. iSlobber is on Indian School and 48th st right next to iRun.
This weather is perfect so if there was ever a time to make it back to the group, time is now.
See everyone tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Group Run 5.4.11
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
It's On! WMRC Run 4.27
Friday, April 22, 2011
Saturday Go John/Overton Loop Run
Come one, come all! This Saturday, April 23rd. For a run in Cave Creek Regional Park on the Go John-Overton Trail Loop. Run one or two laps. Each lap is about 6 miles and takes a little over an hour. Start time for first lap is 5:30 a.m. 2nd lap at 6:30 a.m.
There is a $6 fee to enter the park. Follow the signs to the Overton Trailhead.
Left over Zane Grey swag will be given to all who show up.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Headlamps no longer needed celebration run - April 20
Andrew Heard, 10:59:28, 11th overall
“Grandpa” Jim Fowler, 12:10:51
Paulette Zillmer, 12:40:22, 5th woman
John Pearce, 13:07:55
Jeremy “I’m never doing this again” Daugherty, 13:23:17
Liz Everly, 13:31:50
Jody Chase, 13:54:42
Jeff Jones, 14:32:45
It was a rather hot day and there was a lot of carnage out on the course. But then again, it wouldn’t be “Zane Grey” if it were easy.

The i-run shop website is up and running. www.irunshop.com Check it out.